Sunday, March 1, 2020

Computer Training Center for Seniors

For the first time in recent memory the Computer Training Center for Seniors will not be holding Friday Assistance sessions. 

The next phase of the renovation construction is displacing the facilities for the tax program (VITA) who will be using our classroom to maintain their service to the community.

The Senior Center is not open April 10, Good Friday.
A holiday  

The dates which the Computer Lab will not be available are:
April 3 and April 17

Our volunteers will be back on deck, 9:00 to 11:00 am Friday April 24. 
We will then be at our normal operating hours until the next phase of construction is announced. During this time the lab telephone 910-798-6430 will be monitored for as long as the renovation construction allows.

We will be open through to March 30th for tutoring sessions in the lab. Contact us at 910-798-6430 for details and to make arrangements.